“The degree to which a person can grow is directly proportional to the amount of truth he can accept about himself without running away. ”
Born and raised in the heart of two different cultures, Simon appreciated since a very early age how different world-views can illuminate one another. When the time came to train as a coach, his natural understanding of different perspectives lead him to look for different coaching philosophies to discover what was common and what was unique to each aproach. As a result he certified in Consciousness Coaching, Clean Language & Metaphors and Spiritual Intelligence.
Consciousness Coaching is a process that enables the invisible to become visible. Like water to the fish, often we are not aware of that in which we are immersed. Consciousness Coaching makes it visible thus returning us to our freedom to choose. A study conducted by Richard Boyatzis demonstrates how with the awareness we have a 50-50 chance of making a different choice; without the awareness the chances drop to 4%. Beyond a number of powerful process, interactions and tools, the uniqueness of Consciousness Coaching lies in its clear and concise Awareness Creations, simple inquiries designed to liberate and empower you.
Clean Language & Metaphors is a powerful tool that supports you to pay exquisite attention to aspects of your experience. Metaphors operate at the intersection between conscious and unconscious mind as well as left and right brain, allowing you to put into words energies and nuances that would otherwise go undetected or remain subconscious. This is known as emergent knowledge. Whilst all coaching approaches have systems to keep in check any ego projections and biases the coach might have, the discipline of clean language acts as a natural barrier ensuring that the coach remains invisible, directing the client’s undivided attention to their inner world.
Spiritual Intelligence is the next step beyond emotional intelligence. The cutting edge in the field of multiple intelligences, it provides a skill development framework to support those who are ready and willing to transcend the confines of the ego self and bring the best of the heart and the best of the mind to their every day. Defined as 'the ability to behave with wisdom and compassion whilst maintaining inner and outer peace regardless of the circumstances', increasing Spiritual Intelligence enhances all other intelligences and brings into sharp focus the side of you that knows how to live with courage, wisdom and compassion - leading yourself in such a way that others will be inspired to follow.
Whether working with individuals or organisations, Simon's coaching sessions combine this knowledge to serve his clients with what is most needed. Everyone owns their destiny and knows deep within what needs to be done to make it happen. Growth emerges from one's deep commitment to oneself to connect to their inner world and be guided.
Are you ready to walk your path?
Know Thyself
- 12 weeks coaching program -
Why this program?
Lack of clarity, lack of energy or lack of time are three of the most common obstacles between us and the profound sense of fulfillment that comes from achieving our visions.
In my years of coaching, supporting my clients through these obstacles, I came to recognise that these issues could be solved by supporting them to achieve a higher level of self knowledge, be it in the mental, physical, emotional or spiritual body.
We are all born spiritual, but we are not born spiritually intelligent. Spiritual Intelligence takes work and practice. In the same way a child may be born with musical talent, but unless he learns the skill of playing an instrument and practices his art consistently, he will not grow up to be a great musician.
Defined as “the ability to behave with wisdom and compassion whilst maintaining inner and outer peace regardless of the circumstances”, Spiritual Intelligence sounds like desirable accomplishment. But how can we achieve the extraordinary heights of a Mandela or a Gandhi? How can we walk in their footsteps?
SQ21 –The 21 Skills of Spiritual Intelligence, was created with a conscious effort to make it a faith friendly, faith neutral and atheist friendly road map for anyone who is seeking to develop their Spiritual Intelligence, move beyond the confines of the ego-self and be a wise and effective change agent in this world.
This journey starts with an assessment followed by a 20+ page report with your unique SQ21 profile. This will be the starting point for the conversations to follow.
Click here to download the full brochure for more information.
Or Click here to explore third party financing options with our partners at Kandoo.
SQ21 Assessment
Take the assessment to receive your unique Spiritual Intelligence profile and a 20+ page report based on your answers. The assessment takes 40 minutes to 1 hour.
SQ21 Assessment + Debrief
Take the assessment to receive your unique Spiritual Intelligence profile and a 20+ page report based on your answers. Debrief your assessment live with Simon in a 90 minute consultation.
Public Speaking - Soulful Presentation
- 20 hours coaching program -
Why this program?
Knowing how to create and deliver an impactful presentation is a very simple, cost effective and time efficient way to open new doors and unlock new opportunities.
The structure of this program will enable you to mine for your gold, extract it and present it. Powerful story telling will engage both the rational and the emotional side of your audience enabling them to go on a journey with you.
Once created your presentation will be an asset that you can leverage again and again whether face to face or on camera.
Click here to view the presentation Simon created for the global biennial gathering of the International Coaching Federation at the Conference Centre in Prague using this method.
Click here to download the full brochure for more information.
To explore third party financing options with our partners at Kandoo, click here.
Victim to Creator
- 12 weeks group coaching program -
Why this program?
Challenging times are always an opportunity for us to discover more about ourselves. Do we gravitate towards Victim Consciousness and feel overwhelmed, unclear about how to move forward and powerless? Or do we ground into Creative Consciousness becoming a force of clarity, inspiration and power to move forward?
In this crucial moment in history we need more creators than victims, visionaries who are able to move through the density of this time and move forward with what they see, both individually and collectively.
Complete with a 100+ page workbook to be in action, this 12 episode program is designed to support you and your group or organisation to consistently and unconditionally shift from Victim Consciousness to Creative Consciousness.
Each weekly episode lasts for 2 hours and consists of:
•an awareness creation
•group sharing / coaching
Click here to download the full brochure.
Contact us to discuss your requirement and assess if this program is the right fit for your organisation.
Victim To Creator is currently running in the USA, Malaysia and Russia. Sessions are in English with translation. If you are an individual and you would like to join one of these groups, feel free to contact us.
The 21 Skills of Spiritual Intelligence
-organisations and groups-
Courageous. Wise. Authentic. Compassionate. Peaceful. Whether we are religious believers, atheists, or anything in between, it turns out we can agree quite easily on what it means to be a spiritually evolved human being. The more difficult question is, how do we get there? And how can we measure our progress? The practical and empowering framework created by Cindy Wigglesworth offers a powerful way into this conversation.
Defined as "the ability to behave with wisdom and compassion whilst maintaining inner and outer peace regardless of the circumstances", SQ21 is an invaluable tool for leaders, groups and organisations seeking an effective, rational, and holistic way to embrace spirituality and see results.
To view a bootleg version of the ‘Introduction to the 21 Skills of Spiritual Intelligence’ delivered by Simon at the Prague Conference Centre during the global biennial gathering of the International Coaching Federation click on the video here.
"Thank you Simon. I think you are do amazing. I can’t wait to have you over at the law firm. When I have something confirmed I will quickly be in touch. I am very proud of you man. You were my favorite speaker during the entire ICF Converge. I can't wait to see how things align for your career. I will be a big fan and will help in any way I can to spread your name and the power your work brings."
To read more testimonials on how the talk was received go to our testimonials page and scroll down to ‘Speaking’.
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